I wanna add a shortcode in the functions.php from WordPress, so I can use my function in my site. The problem is, obviously the shortcodes.php is included after the functions.php, so it gives me an error: Call to undefined function add_shortcode How can I add shortcodes in my functions.php?
Question Station Latest Questions
How can I get product list along with the product categories.
The price is “10.00” need to remove “.00‘, is there any solution?
how can i get a list of products with the id of their category?! in the code below $pid is what the user type in shortcode, ‘object_id’ is the id of the every product in wp_posts table. <?php $products = ...
Asked: March 15, 2024In: Internet, Security And Safety
Asked: March 15, 2024
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For Retrieve Theme stylesheet directory URL: get_theme_file_uri() oR get_stylesheet_directory_uri()